Tomorrow Thoughts Apps

Magic Custom Tokens
Tomorrow Thoughts
Manage and customize your magic the gathering custom tokens easyand digitaly!
Business Model Canvas PRO 0.2.0
Tomorrow Thoughts
Your digital business model canvas to build & test businessideias on a template
Magic Life Counter PRO 6.0.5
Tomorrow Thoughts
Customizable magic the gathering life counter for your magicarena/mtg EDH game
Virtual Tabletop RPG Manager
Tomorrow Thoughts
In person virtual tabletop RPG dungeon maps & tokens managerfor dnd and similar
Dungeon Monsters Generator 1.6.9
Tomorrow Thoughts
D&D tabletop RPG encounter generator and combat with animateddungeon monsters
Business Model Canvas BMC 3.4.9
Tomorrow Thoughts
Create your Business Model Canvas ( Bmc ) quickly usingthesimplest, best looking drag and drop template tool ! Plannewbusiness ideas with this BMC Pro app, that features: • Acompleteview of your Business Model Canvas template at once, fullscreen •An easy drag and drop system to speed up your model'stimeconception • Fantastic designed post notes, with various colorsandrounded borders • Unique 2-hand landscape experience for anevenfaster model brainstorm! • Examples of famous models ofothersucessfull companies • Tips for those new to the BMC tool,with allfield descriptions, such as customer relantionship, keyactivitiesand revenue streams • No scrolling bars! Yes, youcansimultaneously check info on every part of the canvas •Sharingsystem. Send you model with 1 click by email, whatsapp orothermeans to your colleges orco-workers================================================== Thisapp isbeneficial to: • Small beginner business man and businesswoman •Employes of a 'project creation' job that demands constantbusinessmodel planning and viability study frequency •Curiousentrepreneurs that wish to understand how a model creationfortheir project would look like • Company owners that need topresentand sell new business models to various clients • Newentrepreneursthat need a quick 'at-hand-reach' model creationtool================================================== Withbusinessmodel canvas PRO, you can plan and calculate the viabilityof yournew product or service for software implementation or a casestudyof any other physical product. Before planning yourmarketingstrategy it's always good to have an overall idea that youbusinessgoal is complete in fields that matter, such as valuepropositions,key activities, customer segments and revenue streams.Thecompetition economy demands you bring value and adiferentialfactor to your new business, for example starting afreemiumproduct and stablishing your suplier in advance toyourcompetition.